Pushing off from shore into unfamiliar waters, we are off to Uganda where we'll be working in a volunteer placement arranged through CUSO/VSO, for two years. We'll be working with teacher training and capacity building to help to improve school life and access to education for children in Gulu northern Uganda.
We welcome this challenge as an exciting, daunting, and hopeful one. To be Canadian is to expect chances others can only dream of. Having enjoyed every good fortune in our lives, this is one small way to repay and serve others.
And for us it is a chance for growth and learning.
You can't remake the world
Without remaking yourself
Each new era begins within.
It is an inward event,
With unsuspected possibilities
For inner liberation.
We could use it to turn on
Our inward lights.
We could use it to use even the dark
And negative things positively.
We could use the new era
To clean our eyes,
To see the world differently,
To see ourselves more clearly.
Only free people can make a free world.
Infect the world with your light.
Help fulfull the golden prophecies
Press forward the human genius.
Our future is greater than our past. (excerpt from "Mental Flight" by Ben Okri)
Sincere thanks for your interest and support!
(many thanks to Robb Thompson for his expertise and patience as we prepared this blog and learned the ins and outs of our new Mac)